[RESOLVED] 11. How do you feel about the slander out there that the same few people are saying that the Black Flag Wing Chun is just a smoke screen and marketing gimmick.« Back to Questions List

How do you feel about the slander out there that the same few people are saying that the Black Flag Wing Chun is just a smoke screen and marketing gimmick.
Posted by Kenneth Lin
Asked on June 15, 2014 9:24 pm

People who don’t understand what marketing is might confuse. But for people that do understand, this is wrong. In the past, no one knew about Black Flag Wing Chun. If I try to use Black Flag as a brand name as it came from all my previous research, it is very hard work to promote. The term, “Black Flag” would be the wrong marketing way to get people’s attention. On the other, Ip Man Wing Chun style for example is very famous. Marketing people would tell you use that brand name instead.

For example, in the world of Pizza, Dominos is the most famous in USA, If I choose to start a new brand called, “Joe Blow Pizza” people would not recognize it and it would be much harder to get the business started until they discovered that is was good.

We built Black Flag Wing Chun from ground zero. The reason Black flag is famous today is because everyone that was exposed to it discovered it was unique, very deep, very good and blew them away. That is why people love it.

The modern public has been fully educated in martial arts through movies and the internet. When selecting a studio or a style, no one cares about its history. They want to learn a particular style because of what it has to offer and how it can benefit them, not where it came from.

There is a big demand for Black Flag, NOT because of the history but because of our hard work develop the skill of our members and have the people experience it. We have a good product. We have a good system. We work very hard to spread it around the world. That is what has put us in our position today. This is the FACT, based on real people, open to the public. Slanders are not fact, those slanders video were created by anonymous keyboard warrior, hiding in the dark, How could be used as truth?

We have a legitimate traceable and verifiable real person in the history, from Kwee King Yang and his students as well as his master, Tjia Fun Tjiao. Thousand of people had interaction with those past masters. Real living legendary people, not some computer generated portrait.

Posted by Kenneth Lin
Answered On June 15, 2014 9:33 pm